
WeChat User Feedback and Support
If you experience an issue using WeChat, visit the WeChat Help Center to find a solution. If you are still unable to resolve your issue or would like to leave your feedback about WeChat, click here.
Weixin User Support
If you registered for an account or your account is currently linked to a mobile number that uses the international dialling code +86 (“Chinese Mainland mobile number”), or if you used a QQ number to register your account, you are a Weixin user. To find Customer Support for your Weixin account, click here.
Business Development
Businesses seeking to leverage the Weixin platform for connecting to the Weixin ecosystem can learn more about opportunities on the Weixin Open Platform, Weixin Pay for the Chinese Mainland, WeChat Pay HK, and WeChat Pay Malaysia.
User Privacy
User privacy is a WeChat core value as detailed in WeChat's Privacy Policy. For more information about the types of information we collect from users and how such information is used, please refer to WeChat's Privacy Policy.
Governmental Requests
If you are a governmental authority and wish to submit a request other than for disclosure of data about WeChat users, please refer to our Governmental Request Policy.
Law Enforcement Requests
For more information about how to generate a valid law enforcement data request, click here.
Grievance Officer
The contact information of our Grievance Officer is as follows. We will respond to your concerns and queries at the earliest and in compliance with the applicable laws.

Ms. Elizabeth Byun
Head of Legal and Compliance
Level 29, Three Pacific Place, No.1 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong